SIX Smart Manufacturing
Manufacturing is the backbone of the Finnish economy and a key foundation for growth. Finnish manufacturing industry’s strengths are discrete manufacturing and highly specialized one-off and small series production.
The metal and machinery industry is strong and combined with digitalization in product development, leads the way in e.g. intelligent machine building.
Six Smart Manufacturing enables wider industry-based cooperation between different actors in the development of innovation and know-how.

Brings together leading manufacturing companies to learn, develop and innovate together.
Smart Manufacturing supports the Finnish discrete manufacturing companies on their sustainable digitalization journey in an industry-driven way.
Regular events for knowledge sharing, networking and learning.
SIX Manufacturing Club (Valmistusklubi)
Finnish manufacturing companies become forerunners in twin transition.
Our mission
We maintain long term ambitious development roadmap towards the next decade.
We build future competiveness by executing roadmap in close collaboration between research and industry.
A smart product generates new value
2030: A smart product helps to build and maintain itself during the lifecycle. Data collected throughout the product lifecycle from production to utilization brings new business opportunities, and feeds continuously the development of new products.
How: The manufacturer creates and maintains an identity for every product. Lifecycle data is connected to the product identity.
Academic fellows
Neutral and independent SIX Manufacturing Academic Fellows group brings together key persons from eight Finnish universities/research centres to foster innovation and excellence in the manufacturing industry. The group is responsible for updating process of the Smart manufacturing roadmap and promotes its’ implementation from research and education perspective. In its’ part, it enables necessary dialogue between academy players, as well as between academy and industry.
The main objectives for the collaboration are:
To create efficient and effective joint innovation development
To develop competence and availability of talents
To increase visibility and impact in Finland and globally


Picture rights: Glaston Corporation

SIX Manufacturing EDIH
Sustainable Industry X (SIX) Manufacturing EDIH advances the discrete manufacturing SMEs on and forward the sustainable digitalization journey - in an industry-driven way. Scalability is in SIX Manufacturing EDIH’s DNA. It is an open platform, welcoming new collaborators, to make sustainable manufacturing the cornerstone of our wellbeing.