SIX Manufacturing EDIH
Sustainable Industry X (SIX) Manufacturing EDIH ensures the future competitiveness of manufacturing companies and maximum benefit of local, national, and European tools and know-how.
As a service centre, SIX Manufacturing EDIH unifies development capabilities, infrastructures and services leading manufacturing SMEs forward on a digitalization path in an industry-driven way. Building on Sustainable Industry X (SIX) initiative, the EDIH has close collaboration links to different networks and ecosystems as well as agendas, projects and investment plans.
The SIX Manufacturing EDIH network consists of Finland's most advanced manufacturing and digitization expertise, infrastructures, & ecosystems. SIX Manufacturing EDIH is an open platform, welcoming new collaborators, to make sustainable manufacturing the cornerstone of our wellbeing.
SIX EDIH has been awarded with the Seal of Excellence which is is a quality label granted by the
European Commission
AI & Analytics
Data sharing &
cyber security
SIX Manufacturing EDIH gathers the very best Finnish manufacturing and digitalization companies, ecosystems and existing national DIHs (e.g. SMACC, IoT Compass Hub, Rural DIH) for co-creation. ​
SIX Manufacturing EDIH connects to European actors to share competences, results and best practices for the benefit of the entire European manufacturing industry.​
SIX Manufacturing EDIH is an open scalable platform, welcoming new collaborators, to make sustainable manufacturing the cornerstone of European wellbeing.
SIX Manufacturing EDIH will elevate the digital and green transition of the Finnish industry as a one-stop-shop, unifying services, development capabilities, and infrastructures of Finnish top research, education, and ecosystem actors, and leading manufacturing SMEs forward on a digitalization journey offering a seamless, supported journey.
Finally, SIX Manufacturing EDIH focuses on developing a sustainable and iterative operational model, ensuring the continuation of the services and activities.
Test Before Invest services
Test before Invest services create a continuum for manufacturing SMEs to grow. To maximize impact and answer to each customer’s specific needs, the services are technology independent. Service packages are designed to create a frame and the content is built from suitable technologies.
The services include:
Emerging technology introductions: E.g.,. DeepDives, workshops in the field of emerging technologies)
TBI requirements and business case analysis
Knowledge and technology transfer (computer-aided technology pilots)
Testing and experimentation services (small-scale demonstration)
Large-scale use case demonstrations (Sustainability, Robotics, AI, Cyber security, and Discrete manufacturing use-cases)
Skills & Training services
Skills & Training services will offer a variety of courses targeted to elevate the skills essential for twin transition such as robotics, programming, and sustainability assessment in business.
The activities are targeted at individuals with different skills level, starting from non-existent to advanced, creating a continuum to increase the skills level step-by-step. Further, partly the educational activities are designed to cover the aspects of how the SMEs could use emerging, green technologies to improve their core business.
The services include:
Basic level courses
Intermediate level courses
Advanced level courses
Training incubator
Innovation ecosystem
Access to funding services
Innovation ecosystem and access to funding services: To boost the uptake of tested advanced manufacturing technologies, SIX Manufacturing EDIH offers a variety of ecosystem and access to funding services. SIX Manufacturing EDIH helps in finding a service provider from its network and introducing suitable funding mechanisms to upscale or to develop the solutions even further.
The services offered in the innovation ecosystem and access to funding include:
Investment preparation workshop
Investment preparation clinic
Check out the infrastructures available for manufacturing SMEs to test before invest
International collaboration at the reach of Finnish SME's
SIX Manufacturing EDIH has formed partnerships with the leading European Digital Innovation Hub candidates to boost the Finnish manufacturing SMEs’ access to European networks, services, funding, and infrastructures. International collaboration is at the core of SIX Manufacturing EDIH’s operations, facilitating the mission of supercharging the industry performance and sustainable growth.
SIX Manufacturing EDIH is part of EDIH Manufacturing Network (EDIH4Manu), which is an informal multi-country, interregional, systematic, open collaboration network of 25 EDIH candidates, integrating more than 25+ regions from 15 countries sharing a Smart Specialisation in manufacturing.
The mission of EDIH4Manu network is leading digital and sustainable transformation of EU manufacturing SMEs through a bouquet of complementary, interoperable, and composable services. The EDIH4Manu network leverages activities and achievements of existing interregional initiatives supporting manufacturing SMEs digital transformation (e.g., Smart Specialisation Platform) and all have been cooperating in several Horizon 2020 funded projects to create and support EDIH capacity building within Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) and I4MS initiatives, in supporting the digital transformation of SMEs with different EDIH oriented services (e.g. test before invest, training and skills development, ecosystem building and business development/funding).
EDIH4Manu’s unique selling points are:
1. Cross-regional capillarity, connecting the most competitive EU industrial regions.
2. Community building and knowledge exchange, building on Digital Transformation Accelerator’s tools to share ideas, methodologies, enhance capacity building for a continuous improvement
3. Complementary service portfolio, to support manufacturing digital green transformation of EDIH customers, building on each EDIH sectoral and technology focus
4. Access to pan-European value chain, engaging local SMEs in-European supply chain, sharing knowledge, and composing service journeys for more complex needs. For this purpose, EDIH4Manu will leverage synergies with European EDIHs, EU projects, and the above-mentioned interregional network.